Concrete Silos For Sale – Your Ultimate Guide

Are you interested in learning more about the different kinds of bolted cement silos? In this guide, we are going to examine some of the main features of these silos, so you will soon have a better understanding of what you need to buy. Keeping this in mind, let’t explore this subject in greater detail.

First of all, what is a concrete silo?

Well, there is certainly a broad range of different concrete silos, each of which is commonly used for different purposes. Perhaps two of the most popular forms of silo are the low-level mobile silo as well as the static upright silo, which can be key component of a complete set of dry-mix mortar production line.

china cement silo for sale

In most cases, the mobile silo will be limited to a capacity of anywhere between 10 and 75 tons, whereas static upright silos benefit from increased storage potential, ranging anywhere from 20 to 80 tons.

What can they store?

There are few limits on the subject matter contained within a silo, but a concrete silo is capable of containing a wide range of material ?while keeping it free from any external contaminants, which ensures the quality doesn’t degrade over time, and Beihai Machinery can be a good choice.

Often, the material can be stored in these silos for several years without any negative result, and concrete silos, in particular, are often favored for this purpose.

Concrete silo construction

Of course, it is also possible to buy silos that are actually constructed from concrete themselves, and this is certainly a popular choice due to their low cost, combined with their ability to be constructed very quickly and efficiently.

A concrete silo of this nature will usually be constructed from smaller precast concrete blocks, which come with ridged grooves that allow the blocks to slot together with fantastic efficiency. This makes them very economical indeed, and this also goes a long way towards lower the cost to the end user ?which means you will be able to save yourself quite a bit of cash, and one may also need a sand drying equipment in the production process.

Where to buy concrete silos

In many cases, you will want to choose a custom order when you are planning to purchase a concrete silo because this will allow you to construct the silo to your own specific criteria, which ultimately ensures that you will be able to store your chosen subject matter without any hassle or difficulty.

Something you will need to think about the cost and what kind of walls and bottom you want on your silo. As you would expect, this can have a big impact on the overall properties of the silo ?so if you were storing grain, for example, then you would need different walls than if you were storing water.

Fortunately, many of the top manufacturers of concrete silos will be able to give you further advice in this regard, and you can generally rely on them to give you the information you will need to make an informed decision.


Overall, there is no denying that finding quality concrete silos for sale for your dry mix mortar manufacturing plant isn’t always an easy task, but if you keep this advice in mind, then you should be able to find something that meets your requirements.